Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fort Collins Answerizer: What will you ask?

There are lots of things The Answerizer isn't good at.

  1. Hopscotch
  2. Souffle making
  3. 1957 Yankees trivia
  4. Explaining why all presidents go gray while they're in office
  5. Awkward small talk at the office holiday party
  6. Saving you 15 percent or more on your car insurance
  7. And so on...

Really, there's just one thing The Answerizer is good for. But that one thing, I'm really, really good at.

If you're looking for somewhere to play hopscotch in Fort Collins, just ask.

If you're wondering who might have a souffle for sale, shoot me a text.

Curious to know if there were any players on the Yankees from Fort Collins, that's what I'm here to help with. And so on.

I'm here to answer your questions about Fort Collins. Big or small, if it's local, I'm

Anyway, here are a few questions others have asked me. Give them a read and see if you have any questions of your own. If you're part of the test, you have my number. So...text me maybe?

P.S.: If you're not part of this test, but would like to be, shoot an email to He may be able to help you out.

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