Thursday, November 14, 2013

What should be considered the anniversary date of Fort Collins - when the military post moved down river, when the State gave the colony a charter, or when the "City of Fort Collins" was incorporated? Bonus: what celebrity name is in the sidewalk at College and Mountain and why?

If it were me, I'd stick with three birthdays. The party! The presents! And I will look amazing for my age.

But if you can only have one, I'd go with the day the city's charter was signed by the military, August 20, 1864. But I'm just agreeing with the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery at this point.

With winter closing in are there any coat drives in the area? My wife has a couple she'd like to donate.

Well isn't your wife just the sweetest? Good for her.

I haven’t been able to track down any official coat drives yet, but if that coat's just burning a hole in your pocket, there are a couple organizations that are always looking for coats to help their clients. 

Homeless Gear’s street outreach delivers survival supplies (coats included) to homeless men and women on the streets of Fort Collins. Learn more at  

Mary’s Closet, a ministry of Saint Joseph Catholic Church, is also in need of winter coats, jackets and vests (mostly mens), men’s jeans, sleeping bags, mats or pads and backpacks. Donations can be dropped off at Parish Center, 101 N. Howes St., or be deposited in the single red bin by the back door in the church parking lot after hours.

I'll add more to this list as they come up. If anyone is running a coat drive, leave the info in the comments section.

And seriously, how big are your pockets that you can fit a coat in them?